Taiwan identifies medical worker as new measles case
Healthcare worker came into contact with previous local case, visited airport
Healthcare worker came into contact with previous local case, visited airport
Healthcare worker came into contact with previous local case, visited airport
Healthcare worker came into contact with previous local case, visited airport
23 employees volunteering for work are asymptomatic or light COVID cases
23 employees volunteering for work are asymptomatic or light COVID cases
10 new cases linked to Shulin tech factory, 4 to Kaohsiung chemicals company
10 new cases linked to Shulin tech factory, 4 to Kaohsiung chemicals company
Keelung mayor to spend 3 days in quarantine
Keelung mayor to spend 3 days in quarantine
Chiayi County chief tests negative for virus
Chiayi County chief tests negative for virus
Cluster affects school in New Taipei City, no positive cases at Yageo plant in Kaohsiung
Cluster affects school in New Taipei City, no positive cases at Yageo plant in Kaohsiung
CECC announces 65 imported cases, no new deaths
CECC announces 65 imported cases, no new deaths
Three staff members confirmed as COVID cases Wednesday
Three staff members confirmed as COVID cases Wednesday
12 employees at Taoyuan distribution center, 3 relatives have tested positive
12 employees at Taoyuan distribution center, 3 relatives have tested positive
CECC announces 34 imported cases, no new deaths
CECC announces 34 imported cases, no new deaths