Kikanbo Taiwan ramen chili powder tainted with Sudan Red
Customers who bought tainted chili powder packages can apply for refunds
Mar. 14, 2024 13:26
Customers who bought tainted chili powder packages can apply for refunds
Customers who bought tainted chili powder packages can apply for refunds
Customers who bought tainted chili powder packages can apply for refunds
Products ordered off shelves, health department to continue inspections
Products ordered off shelves, health department to continue inspections
Grandpa Brand's Silver Label - Original Blend Pepper Powder tainted with Sudan Red III
Grandpa Brand's Silver Label - Original Blend Pepper Powder tainted with Sudan Red III
Sudan Red classified as Group 3 carcinogen by International Agency for Research on Cancer
Sudan Red classified as Group 3 carcinogen by International Agency for Research on Cancer