Taiwan's health ministry reveals top 10 causes of death in 2023
COVID deaths decrease but cancer continues to rise as main cause of death for citizens
COVID deaths decrease but cancer continues to rise as main cause of death for citizens
COVID deaths decrease but cancer continues to rise as main cause of death for citizens
COVID deaths decrease but cancer continues to rise as main cause of death for citizens
Central Emergency Operation Center says 1,106 injured, 671 remain trapped
Central Emergency Operation Center says 1,106 injured, 671 remain trapped
Chronically ill man was part of Taoyuan General Hospital cluster infection
Chronically ill man was part of Taoyuan General Hospital cluster infection
156 people injured, train conductor died in crash
156 people injured, train conductor died in crash
Delayed reports from hospitals main reason for increase in number: Wuhan health authorities
Delayed reports from hospitals main reason for increase in number: Wuhan health authorities
Distraught relatives and lines of gurneys bearing dead bodies in hospital hallways were seen as the death toll relentlessly climbed sincelast week
Distraught relatives and lines of gurneys bearing dead bodies in hospital hallways were seen as the death toll relentlessly climbed sincelast week