Coldplay concert brings 170,000 visitors, NT$550 million to Kaohsiung
86,505 fans in and around Kaohsiung National Stadium on Saturday broke Blackpink's record
86,505 fans in and around Kaohsiung National Stadium on Saturday broke Blackpink's record
86,505 fans in and around Kaohsiung National Stadium on Saturday broke Blackpink's record
86,505 fans in and around Kaohsiung National Stadium on Saturday broke Blackpink's record
‘Music of the Spheres’ tour promotes sustainability through recycling of LED wristbands, electricity-generating bicycles
‘Music of the Spheres’ tour promotes sustainability through recycling of LED wristbands, electricity-generating bicycles
Hotel occupancy rate exceeds 90%
Hotel occupancy rate exceeds 90%
City organizes extra public transport
City organizes extra public transport
Ticket sales for both concerts start at 12 p.m. on May 18
Ticket sales for both concerts start at 12 p.m. on May 18
Coldplay will perform at Kaohsiung National Stadium for first time
Coldplay will perform at Kaohsiung National Stadium for first time