Taiwan purchasing managers’ index drops in December
Manufacturing sector growth slows due to uncertain demand
Manufacturing sector growth slows due to uncertain demand
Manufacturing sector growth slows due to uncertain demand
Manufacturing sector growth slows due to uncertain demand
Demand for AI products main factor in rapid expansion
Demand for AI products main factor in rapid expansion
Consumer products index higher than 2% due to electricity rate hike, more expensive imports
Consumer products index higher than 2% due to electricity rate hike, more expensive imports
Taiwan is reminded membership process for UK lasted 2 years
Taiwan is reminded membership process for UK lasted 2 years
Demand for AI products failed to help boost Taiwan's economy
Demand for AI products failed to help boost Taiwan's economy
CIER president says AI could potentially help Taiwan's export performance later in year
CIER president says AI could potentially help Taiwan's export performance later in year
Low point during Q1, domestic consumption stays strong
Low point during Q1, domestic consumption stays strong
China is moving in the opposite direction in some areas: CIER economist
China is moving in the opposite direction in some areas: CIER economist
CIER sees interest in stock market surging
CIER sees interest in stock market surging
Deputy Minister Kao Shien-quey says Taiwan more confident and resilient than foreigners assume
Deputy Minister Kao Shien-quey says Taiwan more confident and resilient than foreigners assume