Taiwan transitional justice at local level moves at snail's pace
Local governments have only made a few successful changes
1-10 of 206 results for “Courtney Donovan Smith/石東文”
Local governments have only made a few successful changes
Taiwan's looming labor crunch will be alleviated through immigration, AI-enabled humanoid robots
Taiwan's demographic disaster is leading to critical labor shortages at every level
Taiwan needs holistic public discussion on demographics instead of piecemeal solutions
Bilateral relations are growing, while India's 'one China policy' may or may not exist
It is the right thing to do and would bring significant benefits
China will not stop occupying Tibet because of India
For three elections straight around 30% voted for third parties, which has interesting implications
Tsai Pi-ru attacks Ko and the people around him, saying the party will 'bubble away'
DPP won the popular vote by hundreds of thousands, but the KMT still won more seats