Taiwan calendar lists 115 days off in 2025
Taiwanese will have 5 long weekends, 9-day Lunar New Year next year
1-10 of 28 results for “228 Peace Memorial Day”
Taiwanese will have 5 long weekends, 9-day Lunar New Year next year
A look back at how 228 Peace Memorial Day and transitional justice came to be
Lunar New Year holiday only 7 days, 3 days less than last year
2024 will have one less day off, 3 fewer extended holidays than 2023
GEO recently completed trail inspired by religious prayer
Even adults struggle, why put kids through it too?
Fushoushan Farm Guesthouse has magnificent views of surrounding mountains
Taiwanese will also receive 5 days off for Children's Day, Tomb Sweeping Festival
Chinese subtitles for ‘Hannibal’ spared controversy after replacing ‘kill’ with ‘suck’
Tourist's phone still functions over one month after being submerged in water