TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Taiwan is reportedly producing hypersonic missiles with a range that extends beyond Beijing and acquiring mobile missile vehicles from the Czech Republic to launch them.
To enhance Taiwan's deep strike capabilities, the National Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology has mass-produced the Ching Tien (擎天) supersonic cruise missile, reportedly with a range of 1,200 to 2,000 km. To extend the range beyond 2,000 km, the NCSIST has reportedly been working on an upgraded version of the Ching Tien supersonic missile system, renamed the “Ching Tien hypersonic cruise missile,” per Liberty Times.
A military source on Saturday told the newspaper that the medium-range Ching Tien supersonic cruise missile is deployed in bunker-style launch positions. In contrast, the longer-range Ching Tien hypersonic cruise missiles will be deployed using mobile launch vehicles.

To enhance the survivability of these specialized missiles in combat scenarios, the NCSIST and the military have initiated discussions to introduce 12x12 single chassis trucks from Czech manufacturer Tatra. These vehicles will serve as launch platforms for the Ching Tien hypersonic cruise missile and will be integrated with fire control systems.
The US-made Oshkosh M983 military-grade tractor-trailer is also reportedly a potential option. However, Tatra is the primary target for negotiations.
Last year, media reports indicated that the Air Force had initiated a project under the codename “Feiji No. 2,” with a budget of NT$13.5 billion (US$411 million), to develop and modify the “Yun Feng II” missile into the Ching Tien hypersonic cruise missile. The reports stated that the missile had entered mass production and was gradually being delivered to the Air Force Air Defense and Missile Command for deployment, marking the first time the military possessed a strategic weapon with such a range.
Liberty Times cited a source saying that the Ching Tien missiles can reach deep into northern China, as far as Hohhot in Inner Mongolia.