TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — US Indo-Pacific Commander Admiral Samuel Paparo Saturday said he is confident the US would defeat China in a war in the Taiwan Strait.
While delivering remarks at the Reagan National Defense Forum in Simi Valley California, Paparo said US armed forces “have to be ready every second of every day" to deter conflict in the Western Pacific. Paparo added US policy toward Taiwan spanning 52 years is based on the premise that any conflict in the Western Pacific would have knock-on effects on US society due to the intertwined nature of market-based economies.
When asked whether Trump would continue supporting Taiwan's defense, Admiral Paparo pointed out the Taiwan Relations Act requires the US to provide weapons and services to Taiwan to maintain its defense. He then cited the third communique issued under former President Ronald Reagan in 1982 as stating that any reduction in US arms sales must be commensurate with a reduction in militarization of the Taiwan Strait.
Addressing concerns that China may take military action against Taiwan by 2027 and whether the US is prepared to defend Taiwan, Paparo said: “I remain confident that we'd prevail in a conflict with the PRC over Taiwan. And in fact, the PRC also doubts their own ability to prevail in such a conflict. That's why they set the benchmark 2027.”
Pararo stressed that this does not rule out that Beijing would launch a “war of necessity.” However, he warned they would be at tremendous risk for doing so.
When asked about whether increasing the number of US marines in Taiwan for joint training would be seen by Beijing as provocative, Pararo said that any US troops in Taiwan could be perceived as provocative.
He said what would be more effective would be to follow the proverb “teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime,” by providing Taiwan with the “operational constructs for it to defend itself.”
Commandant of the Marine Corps General Eric Smith added the US holds an advantage in a confrontation with China due to its recent battlefield experience. “What I would say is the advantage lies with us because our last combat was captured on somebody's iPhone 14. The Chinese's last combat was captured on oil and canvas and they should not forget that," said Smith.