TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — The National Science and Technology Council said 38 manufacturers in three major science parks will be required to pay carbon fees when they are introduced next year.
DPP Legislator Wu Pei-yi (吳沛憶) asked the council how much firms will have to pay in carbon fees during a meeting at the legislature on Thursday (Nov. 28), per CNA. Wu said she was concerned if the council had plans to help manufacturers reduce emissions when the fees are put in place.
The council’s industry and academia division Director Hsu Tseng-ju (許增如) said a preliminary count of the firms had been done but the amount they would have to pay depends on their carbon reduction efforts. Hsu said the 38 companies have likely already implemented carbon reduction plans independently.

Council Chair Wu Cheng-wen (吳誠文) said the agency has invested in research and worked with manufacturers to reduce carbon output. He said the Cabinet will continue discussions about how to best use money generated from carbon fees.
The environment ministry approved carbon fees in October at NT$50 (US$1.54), NT$100, or NT$300 per ton of carbon dioxide equivalent produced. Businesses in the electricity, gas, and manufacturing industries with carbon emissions exceeding 25,000 tons per year will be required to pay.
Carbon fees will be calculated based on firms' 2025 carbon outputs and the first payments will be due in 2026. The ministry also said in October it would discuss measures to avoid outsourcing production to high emitting markets.