TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — A Peruvian TV news station on Friday (Nov. 15) displayed Taiwan's name and flag while listing APEC countries.
Peru is hosting APEC from Friday to Saturday and China has reportedly exerted pressure on local government, media, and private enterprises to diminish Taiwan's visibility, per Liberty Times. However, while introducing the 21 APEC members Friday, ATV Noticias referred to Taiwan as "Taiwan" instead of its official APEC designation “Chinese Taipei”— and displayed Taiwan’s national flag on screen.
APEC is one of the few international forums where Taiwan can participate as a formal member, albeit under the name "Chinese Taipei," with its president unable to attend. Instead, a representative with a lower political status is appointed.
Despite these concessions, Taiwan still faces suppression from China. For example, a recent advertisement promoting Taiwan at Lima Airport in Peru was taken down due to reported pressure from China on the advertising company.