TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Large crowds were spotted at McDonald's all over Taiwan ahead of the 11 a.m. Wednesday (Oct. 23) launch of 300,000 limited edition Hunter x Hunter manga cards.
To accommodate the huge demand for collectible cards, McDonald's designated special in-store counters for the purchase-blind card packs. Excitement for the card release was fueled by YouTubers who were sent an advance release of the entire 24-card collection in a special box, which is now selling for approximately NT$30,000 (US$935) online.
Each blind card pack includes four cards and is available for purchase for NT$89 in addition to any food item. Only 20 packs are available for purchase per person while supplies last at each store. McDonald's said 300,000 card packs will be made available in Taiwan, per CNA.
And in case many miss out on the Hunter x Hunter blind card pack, McDonald's said that beginning on Oct. 30, customers purchasing specially designated Hunter x Hunter meals and designated drinks will receive a free pack of Hunter x Hunter poker cards, limited to 190,000 sets in Taiwan.