TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — A massive boulder fell onto the tracks of the Taiwan Railway Corporation's (TRC) Eastern Trunk Line on Thursday morning (July 4) cutting service to parts of Hualien County.
At 6:21 a.m., a boulder fell and damaged the rails at the north entrance of the Horen Tunnel between Horen Station and Chongde Station, reported Liberty Times. In addition, the overhead lines were also knocked down by the boulder.
The eastbound route between Horen Station and Chongde Station has been temporarily suspended until repairs can be completed. In the meantime, the westbound line is being used for two-way traffic.

Maintenance and electrical personnel are on standby at the scene. The TRC immediately established first-level and eastern district response teams.
Heavy rain in Hualien County has caused multiple landslides. The section of track between the two stations had just been cleared of debris from a previous landslide on Wednesday (July 3), per CNA.