TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Multiple trains were delayed in northern Taiwan on Sunday (June 30) due to an accident involving a man riding a scooter on the train platform of Nuannuan Station in Keelung.
The man, a 30-year-old surnamed Su (蘇), lost control of his scooter on the edge of the platform and fell onto the tracks. Although he was able to climb onto the platform safely, the incoming southbound No. 432 train was unable to avoid hitting the scooter as it entered the station, reported CNA.
The accident occurred at 3:30 p.m. and delayed 13 trains operating between Qidu Station in Keelung and Sijiaoting Station in New Taipei. The conductor was able to brake slightly before hitting the scooter, so damage to the train was minimal, and it was able to depart the station after approximately 40 minutes, per UDN.
The delay for all trains combined amounted to 513 minutes, but train traffic in the area returned to normal by 4:37 p.m.
Su was allegedly able to access the station’s platform on the scooter by using a footpath to a community near the rail lines. It is suspected that he was attempting to take a shortcut across the tracks.
Su suffered a minor cut and bruising to one leg. After being treated at a nearby hospital, Su was taken to a courthouse for questioning, and he may be charged with public endangerment.