TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — The Water Resources Agency (WRA) reported the completion of Niaozuetan artificial reservoir in Caotun, Nantou County on Friday (April 26).
In a press release on Friday, the WRA said completion of the reservoir marks the addition of another major water resource project in central Taiwan, per CNA. The project follows eco-friendly and carbon reduction practices, it said.
The agency said before the construction of Niaozuetan reservoir it was difficult to preserve water. The main water supply for north Changhua depended on groundwater extraction, with additional support from Liyutan Reservoir in Miaoli County.
With the reservoir's completion, surface water from the Dadu River can replace groundwater usage, alleviating land subsidence and reducing reliance on Liyutan Reservoir, the WRA explained.
With Niaozuetan reservoir joining the water supply an estimated 7 million cubic meters of water will be provided during the dry season, helping to avoid water shortages in central Taiwan, the WRA said. It is estimated that by May 31, Liyutan Reservoir will reduce its supply to north Changhua by 7.6 million cubic meters, increasing the flexibility of water source allocation, the agency added.