TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Nantou County Public Health Bureau found produce with excessive levels of pesticide in four supermarkets in Nantou County on Monday (April 15).
The bureau issued a press release on Monday that it inspected 25 products in a routine inspection, including vegetables, fruit, and meat, CNA reported. Inspectors found three vegetables and one fruit with pesticide levels that exceeded regulations.
One cauliflower from PX Mart on Xueyi Road, one passion fruit from Dapan Department Store on Fuxing Road, one cilantro from Funcom Supermarket on Zhongxing Road in Caotun Township, and one radish from PX Mart on Zhongxing Road in Guoxing Township were all found to have exceeded pesticide levels, according to the bureau.
The bureau ordered the produce to be taken off shelves. The upstream suppliers have also been notified, the bureau said.
The bureau told the public to pay attention to product labels and origin information. It also said to wash food thoroughly to get rid of pesticides.