TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Starting from Jan. 1, several amendments to Taiwan’s Immigration Act will take effect, with changes that will ease restrictions on foreign residents seeking to obtain or extend an Alien Residency Card (ARC).
Foreigners arriving in Taiwan with a proper resident visa will now have 30 days to apply for their ARC, rather than only 15 days, according to a press release. Additionally, those seeking to extend their residency status in Taiwan will be able to apply for extension up to three months before their ARC is set to expire, an increase of two months from the previous regulation which only permitted applications within 30 days prior to an ARC’s expiration.
For foreign students who graduate from a Taiwanese university, the Ministry of Interior (MOI) will also simplify the process for obtaining a one-year residency extension for the purposes of job seeking, with a provision for an additional year extension also included.
While the MOI is loosening restrictions on obtaining and extending residency permits, the government is also planning to introduce harsher penalties for those who overstay their visas or engage in activities that are not permitted under a foreign resident’s specific status.
Starting from January, those who overstay their visa will face fines of between of NT$10,000 to NT$50,000 (US$325-US$1,630), a significant increase over the current penalty of fines ranging between NT$2,000 and NT$10,000 (US$65-US$325). Those caught engaging in activities outside the purview of their residency permit, such as students engaging in regular work, may also face entry bans of up to seven years, per MOFA.
Even harsher fines may be levied by Taiwanese or other foreign residents who arrange for ARC holders to engage in activities restricted by their residency status. The MOI is prepared to fine those who arrange or enable illegal activities between NT$200,000 and NT$1 million (US$6,500-US$32,700).
Other important measures going into effect in 2024 are provisions that will make it easier for spouses, children, and other dependents of ARC holders to obtain residency. Protections have also been expanded for foreign residents who divorce their Taiwanese spouse due to domestic violence, and for those whose partner passes away.
According to government ministries, 63 clauses of the act have been amended or removed. The full text of the amended Immigration Act is available in English and Mandarin.