TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — An art teacher has been sentenced to eight years in prison for molesting nine girls a total of 308 times.
Chen Chin-ching (陳進清) is an art studio teacher in Tainan City, reported ETtoday. Tainan City Government's Social Affairs Bureau disclosed the name of the art studio and urged parents to be vigilant, sparking discussions online.
In June, there was an article on the Facebook page Breaking News Commune (爆料公社), alleging that Chen, the owner of "Good and Moral Painting Studio" (善德畫室) in Tainan City's Xinying District, had forcibly molested girls from September 2020 to Jan. 5, 2023. An announcement from the Social Affairs Bureau was posted as evidence.
Social Affairs Bureau announcement, and studio's Facebook page) (Facebook Breaking News Commune image)
According to the court verdict, the girls were so frightened by the attacks that they hid in the restroom. Some of the victims refused to discuss the incidents for fear they would bring shame to the family.
Jianan Psychiatric Center did a psychiatric assessment of Chen and said he was a "pedophile." He was sentenced to eight years in prison for committing compulsory indecency (強制猥褻罪) against nine girls under the age of 14, reported CTS News and Info.
However, the verdict is subject to appeal. The Tainan City Government on Feb. 15 publicly announced the name of the studio and identified Chen as the owner.
The Tainan City Bureau of Education permanently banned Chen from serving as the owner or staff member of a cram school. It also fined him NT$250,000 (US$7,900) for breaching the Supplementary Education Act (補習及進修教育法).
Closeup of Social Affairs Bureau announcement listing chargest against Chen. (Social Affairs Bureau image)