TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — A gang of men armed with baseball bats, clubs and hammers, attacked and vandalized the first floor of a commercial building in Kaohsiung’s Xinxing District early Friday (Nov. 10) morning.
The attack occurred around 5:30 a.m. on Qixian 1st Road, with extensive damage caused to the first-floor elevator lobby and exterior of the building, reported UDN. More than a dozen gangsters jumped out of four or five vehicles and indiscriminately trashed the business, including several cars and scooters parked outside.
In addition to smashing mirrors and destroying signage, the group also menaced and kidnapped a young woman, reported LTN. The woman was later released and is allegedly the girlfriend of a rival gang member, who the vandals were angry with.
The attack lasted less than five minutes, and was recorded by CCTV cameras as well as bystanders using their smartphones. Kaohsiung police are investigating the incident and expect to make arrests in the coming days.
Reports indicate that one of the vandals was angry with an older gang member involved with businesses at the commercial building. After their argument, described as a “driving dispute,” the younger gangster organized the early morning attack targeting the building.
The building reportedly contains a KTV lounge, a gaming arcade, and a hotel. Video of the incident can be viewed below.