TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — A Hi-Life customer who sent a fax for NT$15 (US$0.47) won the NT$10 million Special Prize in the latest edition of the Taiwan receipt lottery.
On Tuesday (July 25), the Ministry of Finance (MOF) reported the winning numbers for the most recent round of the Taiwan receipt lottery. Hi-Life reported that one customer won the Special Prize and another came away with the NT$2 million Grand Prize, and both had spent less than NT$100, TVBS reported.
The lucky Hi-Life consumer who spent the least and won the most paid NT$15 to send a fax at the Hukou Baya Store on No. 43 Mingde Street in Hsinchu County's Hukou Township. The Hi-Life customer who won the Grand Prize bought two pineapple buns for NT$70 at a branch inside the Ho Hotel on No. 16, Daxue Road in Hsinchu City's East District.
The winning number of the NT$10 million Special Prize for the May-June edition of the Taiwan receipt lottery, also known as the uniform invoice lottery, is 29268886. The winning number for the NT$2 million Grand Prize is 12912565.
The winning numbers for the First Prize are 04667172, 12999667, and 77607087. If all the digits on a receipt match any of these three sets of numbers in the right order, the prize is NT$200,000.