TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Results of a public opinion survey by the Sydney-based Lowy Institute released on Wednesday (June 21) show a majority of Australians support sending weapons and dispatching their country's navy to prevent a Chinese blockade of Taiwan, but most do not favor sending troops.
According to the Lowy Institute, as concerns about a conflict over Taiwan between China and the U.S. rise, Australians are becoming "less ambivalent about acting in concert with the United States." When asked whether a war between the U.S. and China over Taiwan was a "critical threat," 64% replied affirmatively, nearly twice as many as in 2020, at 35%.
The only greater area of concern for respondents was cyberattacks, which 68% listed as a critical threat.
When asked about Australia's response if China invaded Taiwan, 80% said they would accept refugees from Taiwan. A similarly high ratio of 76% said that Australia should impose economic and diplomatic sanctions on China.
More than six out of 10 Australians, 64%, favor their government sending weapons to Taiwan. A majority of respondents, 61%, back "using the Australian Navy to help prevent China from imposing a blockade around Taiwan."
However, only 42% support dispatching Australian troops to Taiwan to "help defend it from China."
When asked to rate their feelings towards various countries and territories, with 100 degrees signifying a "very warm, favorable feeling" and zero representing a "very cold, unfavorable feeling," they rated Taiwan at 65 degrees, below only New Zealand, Japan, U.K., Singapore, and France. China, meanwhile, was rated a frosty 33 degrees, just above Russia, which came in last at 20 degrees.
A poll by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs conducted in August 2022 revealed very similar results for Americans on the same questions about Taiwan. If China were to invade Taiwan, 76% support imposing diplomatic and economic sanctions on Beijing, 67% back accepting Taiwanese refugees, 65% favor sending arms to Taiwan, 62% agree the U.S. Navy should be sent to prevent China from imposing a blockade on Taiwan, and 40% think the U.S. should send troops.