TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — The police are investigating an anonymous bomb threat that the National Palace Museum received on Sunday (May 7).
Liberty Times reported that the bomb threat, sent on Sunday at around 3 p.m., was read by the museum’s staff on Monday morning (May 8) at around 8 a.m. The sender threatened to plant remote-controlled bombs and detonate them on Monday at 5:30 p.m.
The National Palace Museum was cited as saying that in addition to three bombs planted in the Taipei branch, the sender claimed two bombs were planted in the Southern Branch as well.
The police were notified at around 9 a.m. However, despite searching the museum for the entire day, they did not find any explosives.
The Criminal Investigation Bureau (CIB) informed the museum on Monday afternoon that a similar message had been sent to the National Police Agency Director-General’s inbox as well. The police will reinforce patrols while the CIB will carry out further investigation into the matter.