TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — A convict who escaped from the Mingde Minimum Security Prison on Friday (April 21) has been arrested.
Liberty Times reported that Chang Tian-hao (張天昊), aged 37, escaped while performing prison work of spraying pesticides. When guards realized he had fled, the prison immediately suspended work, counted the number of prisoners, and began searching the prison.
The local police and Agency of Corrections were also notified, and the Criminal Investigation Bureau put Chang on a nationwide wanted list.
Chang had been sentenced to eight years and 10 months in prison for robbery. He began serving time in April 2020 and was transferred to the Mingde Minimum Security Prison in December 2021.
Under his sentence, Chang was entitled to a home visit every two months and had gone five times in the past without any issues. His motives for escaping are not yet known, and the prison staff are reportedly “very confused” about his behavior.
According to ETToday, Chang was found by the Tainan police at an abandoned temple at 1:52 on Sunday (April 23). He now faces an escape charge and will no longer be held at the Mingde Minimum Security Prison.