TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Tuesday (March 21) of the lunisolar calendar is Chunfen (春分), the spring equinox, and during this time traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) dictates that to balance yin and yang energy one should avoid extremes and excess by observing six taboos.
In a Facebook post uploaded on Friday (March 17), numerology expert Hsiao Meng (小孟) pointed out this year's vernal equinox was at 5:24 a.m. on March 21. Hsiao Meng said on Chunfen, the length of day and night are equal in much of the world except for the poles, and after this period in the Northern Hemisphere, the days will become longer than the nights.
The lunisolar calendar's 24 solar terms are distinguished by the sun's exposure to the earth. Because the earth rotates 360 degrees around the sun for a year, a solar term corresponds to every 15 degrees of rotation.
After Chunfen passes, Hsiao Meng said yang chi (陽氣, yang energy) will start to rise, so the key to staying healthy on this day is to raise yang chi. He suggested it is necessary to nourish and take care of the liver to help this.
He recommended people eat more green foods and fresh vegetables, such as cauliflower, edamame, and cabbage. People can also drink goji berry (wolfberry) tea, chrysanthemum tea, and osmanthus tea, which can nourish the liver and fortify the body.
6 Don'ts:
1. Spicy or cold foods
Chunfen is half of yin and yang, so day and night are equal, and cold and heat are equal. Therefore, he advised people to not consume spicy foods, cold drinks, or ice cream, and to beware of signs of physical discomfort.
2. Strenuous exercise
As Chunfen is marked by semi-cold and semi-hot conditions, strenuous exercise is discouraged and people have to beware of cardiovascular problems.
3. Visiting hospital patients
It is not advisable to visit hospital patients on Chunfen because it is regarded as the beginning of the year in some countries and "the whole year's planning lies in the spring." Some Taiwanese believe that visiting the sick on this day could bring bad luck or illness for the whole year.
4, Excessive sex
Chunfen is the day when the seasons are transitioning. Therefore, it is not advisable to have excessive sex on this day. Otherwise, one may become weak and catch a cold easily. Due to the large temperature fluctuations on this day, people are also advised to exercise caution when going outside.
5. Fast driving
Avoid driving fast on Chunfen as traffic accidents are likely to occur due to heavy fog.
6. Morning mountain climbing
Do not go on an early morning mountain climb on this day because the weather is often foggy and will be worse the higher up the mountain one goes. Heavy fog in the mountains makes it easy to lose sight of the trail and could lead to accidents.
In addition, the heavy humidity makes mountain paths more slippery and hikers can lose their footing.
3 Dos:
1. Stand an egg up
The spring equinox starts at 5:24 a.m. on March 21, and it is recommended that people stand eggs upright to ensure good luck all year round.
2. Run water
At 5:24 a.m. on March 21, pour water from a dispenser or tap. Drink the water from a cup and wash one's face. This represents the beginning of spring.
3. Eat suncakes
Ancient emperors would worship the sun on the spring equinox and the moon on the autumn equinox. On Chunfen, it is recommended that people eat suncakes (太陽餅) at 5:24 a.m. on March 21 to welcome the spring equinox and it will also enable one to absorb good magnetic fields brought by the sunlight in spring.