TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — A climber in Taitung’s Haiduan Township suffered a knee injury requiring a two-day rescue effort, ultimately involving helicopter transport to a nearby hospital on Monday (Feb. 27).
Taitung County Fire Department said it received a call from a climber in distress on Friday (Feb. 24), indicating a right knee rupture of a ligament associated with a fall in Haiduan Township, according to CNA. Additionally, the climber’s right thigh near the knee was injured and swollen, rendering the climber unable to walk or otherwise descend from the mountain.
The fire department put together a four-member search and rescue team. The terrain in the area was very steep, and the climbing path was mostly steep and rocky.
Rescue mounted for injured climber. (CNA photo)
After two days of climbing, they found the injured hiker at 11 a.m. on Sunday (Feb. 26). First aid was provided. Also, a search for a suitable location for helicopter rescue was undertaken at the same time.
A helicopter from the National Airborne Service Corps flew to the scene at 8:32 a.m. on Monday morning (Feb. 27), but the ridge was covered by clouds and visibility was not good. It took the helicopter crew around 30 minutes to get the climber up before he was transported to Mackay Memorial Hospital Taitung Branch for treatment.
While the prognosis for the climber is promising, Taitung Fire Department has appealed to the public to hike with a companion and assess their physical condition before venturing into the mountains. Also, relevant supplies should be brought, such as water, food, mobile power supply, headlights, raincoats, and proper clothing.
Additionally, detailed climbing and mountaineering plans should be left behind with friends and relatives. Having this information handy can be quickly integrated into an emergency search and rescue operation.