TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — A family of humpback whales was seen breaching off the coast of Lanyu Island, also known as Orchid Island, on Wednesday afternoon (Feb. 1).
Videos of the incident were shared to the Facebook Group “All Things About Lanyu” (蘭嶼大小事) by local resident Chou Chang-yuan (周長源), who was at Yeyin Village. He wrote, “For many years, dolphins and humpback whales have not visited waters around Lanyu. It is fortunate that this year, they are clearly visible by eye.”
According to elders of the local Indigenous Tao people, when whales visit Lanyu, they bring with them many flying fish, Chou added. Fishing for flying fish is one of the most significant parts of Tao culture, and the flying fish season starts every year in February and ends in October.
A tourist surnamed Lee (李), who traveled to Lanyu with his family, told Liberty Times that he saw the sight of whales breaching while touring a traditional Tao underground house. He said the whales were less than 20 meters away from shore.
In response to the incident, the Ocean Conservation Administration wrote that this was the first time in two years that humpback whales have been sighted near Taiwan. In March 2021, a mother-calf pair was seen near Ludao, also known as Green Island.
The administration urged those who encounter whales or dolphins to keep at a distance and refrain from disturbing them. Sightings can also be reported at the ocean conservation website, iOcean, for research purposes.