TAIPEI (Taiwan News) – Taiwanese musician and actor Hsieh Ho-hsien (謝和弦), also known by the name R-Chord, announced on Aug. 31 that he will register to run in the upcoming election for a seat on the Taipei City Council representing the Zhongzheng and Wanhua constituency.
On Wednesday (Aug. 31), the tattooed musician shared photos on his social media accounts in which he can be seen wearing a vest embroidered with his name, a style that is favored by Taiwanese candidates running for office.
On Sept. 1, Hsieh confirmed that he is seeking office on the Taipei City Council representing Zhongzheng and Wanhua, per UDN. He also explained his campaign platform, which he has named “Wanhua’s Three Chords” (萬華三和弦), with reference to his own name, which is the word for a guitar “chord” (和弦).
According to Hsieh, his three-tier platform aims to; legalize marijuana, open a legal red light district, and legalize modified vehicles on Taipei city streets.
In documents shared online outlining his experience which Hsieh filed for his candidacy, the singer made some remarks that drew the attention of netizens. Most notably, he openly divulged his own experience in a drug rehab center and he also referred to himself as the “lifelong enemy of Jam Hsiao (蕭敬騰),” another Taiwan singer, reports TVBS.
Hsieh was born in Nantou County in 1987. He has been on the Taiwanese music scene for over a decade, composing songs for many Taiwanese television dramas and also acting in several as well.