TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — A Slovakian delegation on Thursday (June 9) visited the Legislative Yuan, where they simulated a "scuffle" and found a hole in the portrait of Sun Yat-sen (孫中山).
The Slovakia-Taiwan Parliamentary Group held its inaugural meeting on Thursday. Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Legislator Hsu Chih-chieh (許智傑) led the delegation on a visit to the Legislative Yuan chamber to experience the ambiance of Taiwan's parliament.
During the tour, members of the delegation noticed that there was a hole in a portrait of Sun Yat-sen, Liberty Times reported. Hsu explained that the damage had been inflicted by a Kuomintang (KMT) legislator when he hurled a water bottle during a skirmish between opposing party members over an amendment to Article 99-1 of the Accounting Act in late May.
Hsu was cited by CNA as saying that the Slovakian parliamentarians thought such incidents were "interesting," but it is normal for people in democratic countries to have different opinions and that they all admired Taiwan's democracy and its diverse society. They expressed their hope that the interaction between the two countries would become increasingly active.
Having watched international news reports about skirmishes in the Legislative Yuan, the President of Bratislava Region Juraj Droba and Slovakian parliamentarian Miroslav Ziak staged a simulated "scuffle" for the cameras. DPP Legislator Ho Chih-wei (何志偉) then jumped in to demonstrate how he would attempt to persuade the two parties to cool down during such a melee.
Delegation members were next given the chance to practice holding up placards that read "support" and "oppose." Such signs are commonly used for voting in the chamber.
The Slovakian delegation then ended the visit by taking a group photo with some DPP and KMT legislators at the main podium of the chamber.
Slovakian delegation members hold up "support" signs. (CNA photo)
Slovakian and Taiwanese lawmakers make "heart" gesture. (CNA photo)
Slovakian and Taiwanese lawmakers pose for group photo. (CNA photo)