TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — In response to a Delta cluster infection at a Taoyuan hotel on Thursday (Dec. 16), the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) announced that all travelers to Taiwan must undergo six COVID tests.
The CECC on Thursday confirmed that eight COVID cases have been tied to an epidemic prevention hotel in north Taiwan. Four have tested positive for the Delta variant and three others are suspected to be part of the same cluster infection.
CECC head Chen Shih-chung (陳時中) said that gvien daily imported COVID cases often number in the double digits and a wave of Lunar New Year returnees is just beginning, the center plans to strengthen four major epidemic prevention measures for those undergoing quarantine, including the following:
- Increased number of COVID tests
- Inspections of hotels
- Checking ventilation and air conditioning
- Testing if symptoms arise
Regarding screening, Chen said the first step is to carry out surveillance through increased tests for the three quarantine options of people returning for the Lunar Year Near from Dec.14 to Feb.14. Regardless of the option, Chen said that government-funded PCR tests and rapid antigen tests will be carried out upon arrival and on the third, seventh, 10th, 14th, and 21st days after arrival, for a total of six times. Those who flout the rules will be "punished severely," Chen added.
Previously, arrivals from overseas were only required to undergo three or four COVID tests. The following is the new testing regimen for each for the three quarantine options:
People who spend the full 14 days in an epidemic prevention hotel must take a PCR test upon arrival and on the 14th day, while rapid antigen tests are required on the third, seventh, 10th, and 21st days after arrival.
Those who opt for 10 days in an epidemic prevention hotel and four days at their residence must take a PCR test upon arrival and on the 10th day, and 14th day. They must also take rapid antigen tests on the third, seventh, and 21st days after entering Taiwan.
Travelers who choose to spend seven days in an epidemic prevention hotel and seven days at home must take a PCR test upon arrival and on the sixth and 14th day. They must also take rapid antigen tests on the third, 10th, and 21st day.
Family members living with travelers opting for the 7+7+7 plan must take a self-paid rapid antigen test on the 10th and 14th days after their relative arrives in Taiwan.
Areas in yellow mark additional tests required in quarantine plan for Lunar New Year travelers. (Taiwan News, Yuwen Lin image)