TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Taiwanese feminine product brand Kirakira released a preview of a giant, explorable uterus in Minecraft on Tuesday (Oct. 26) to promote players’ interest in and education on the female reproductive system.
The map, entitled “The Uterus Museum,” features a complete set of the female reproductive system, including the vulva, vagina, cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, and pubic hair.
Upon entering, visitors are greeted by lactic acid bacteria that keep the vagina healthy. The interior of the uterus is decorated with red flower pots to indicate the endometrium, and plants placed within the fallopian tubes represent the hair-like extensions that carry the fertilized egg.
(YouTube, KiraKira video)
According to KiraKira founder Vanessa, the project was born when she expressed her wish to build a three-dimensional model of the internal reproductive system and asked on Facebook if anyone knew Minecraft builders. A co-worker responded by saying her daughter is an experienced Minecraft player.
Construction of the map began in July and took two months to complete. Currently in its final phase, it will officially open on Monday (Nov. 1) and will be downloadable for registered Minecraft players. KiraKira also plans to invite streamers to explore the map with their audiences.
Commentators on Facebook praised KiraKira for undertaking such an “impressive” and “cool” project and offered various suggestions, such as making the map into a non-fungible token (NFT) or using it with other feminine products to create educational material.
Lactic acid bacteria populate vagina. (YouTube, KiraKira screenshot)
“Too cool! Could we possibly copy the map and make it into a survival or adventure challenge?” asked a commentator named FiFi Yang. To which Facebook user Justin Chen responded, “Are you going to simulate an army of millions’ race for survival?”
Yang thus wrote a slogan for Chen’s suggestion: “We were all once winners in life who prevailed in that battle. But at the Uterus Museum… can you triumph once more?”
As many followers of the KiraKira fan page are mothers interested in menstruation-related issues and many Minecraft players are young children, some commentators said they plan to explore the map with their children and family.
“The interior is so fancy! I’m going to borrow my son’s account to go for a tour!” said Facebook user Dihn Vita Chen.
“I’ve already made an appointment with my son,” said Maychin Chen Win.
KiraKira is a Taiwanese feminine product company known for being the first business to introduce menstrual cups to Taiwan and its efforts to promote women’s health awareness. Its products range from tampons made from organic cotton, menstrual cups, period-proof underwear, and cotton pads as well as a menstrual disk currently in development.
Interior of uterus features red flower pots and chandelier. (Facebook, KiraKira image)