TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — The Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) announced on Thursday (July 29) that it is now allowing three categories of foreigners who do not have National Health Insurance (NHI) cards to register to be vaccinated against COVID-19.
Although Taiwan's official vaccine registration platform has been online since July 8, the requirement of entering an NHI card number on the registration form has prevented foreign residents who do not have a card to apply for vaccination. On several occasions, reporters have asked the CECC during press conferences when such foreign nationals would be eligible to apply, but the response has always been that the center was looking into the matter.
During a press conference on Thursday, Health Minister and CECC head Chen Shih-chung (陳時中) announced that there are now alternative methods for three categories of foreigners legally residing in the country to register for vaccination. Foreign nationals can submit their Alien Resident Certificate (ARC) number, also known as the UI number, along with their passport number. Foreign visitors who do not yet have an ARC must apply for a UI number with the National Immigration Agency (NIA).
Residents from China, Macau, or Hong Kong can enter their UI number and entry/exit number. People with a Taiwan ID but without household registration can submit their UI number and entry/exit permit or their UI number and entry permit number.
1. Foreigners:
ARC number (UI number) and passport number.
2. Residents from China, Macau, or Hong Kong:
UI number and entry/exit permit number.
3. Taiwan nationals without household registration:
UI number and entry/exit permit number or UI number and entry permit number.
Chen stressed that initially, these persons will only be able to register their contact information and vaccine brand preferences. Once this information has been provided, Chen said the CECC will carry out an assessment of the need among the foreign community.
Chen pointed out that only if these foreign residents fill out the registration form can the government be certain how many are in need of vaccination. He then reminded the public that vaccines will be provided based on the availability of brands selected and the center's plan for delivery to different demographics.
To register for vaccination, visit the website and click the button titled "register" (登記) on the blue box on the left. Those who do not have an NHI card can first enter their ARC number, visitor visa number, or UI number.
Next, residents from China, Macau, or Hong Kong, or Taiwan should click the radio button that reads "China, Hong Kong, Macau persons/no household registration Taiwanese nationals" (陸港澳人士/無戶籍國民) and enter the entry/exit permit number. Other foreign residents should click the radio button next to "foreigners" (外國人) and enter their passport number.
In either case, enter the CAPTCHA code displayed on the right. Lastly, click "perform identity authentication" (執行身份認證) and follow the instructions provided in the subsequent screens.
More detailed instructions for vaccine registration can be found in this English guide to using the platform.
Methods for three categories of foreigners to register for vaccination. (CECC image)