TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — The Chinese military is suspected of using hackers to conduct cyberattacks on Japanese aerospace research entities and defense-related firms in 2016, per NHK.
On Tuesday (April 20), the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department Police confirmed that a 30-year-old Chinese Communist Party member has been referred to prosecutors for his alleged involvement in cyberattacks against the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) in 2016.
The suspect leased servers under false names five times. He later passed these to “Tick,” a hacker group believed to be connected to China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA), according to sources.
Another Chinese student who has already departed Japan allegedly used fake identities to gain access to a rental server for cyberattacks ordered by Unit 61419, a hacking outfit within the PLA.
JAXA said no information leaks or data alteration occurred during the 2016 digital intrusions.
Japan's top government spokesman called for a "serious response" from the relevant entities to ensure cybersecurity.
China’s foreign ministry gave no response to media requests for comment.