TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Taiwan has declared 2020 as the year of organic tea, with international agreements on common standards likely to promote exports, reports said Tuesday (June 9).
The Agriculture and Food Agency (AFA) has also launched the nation's first nationwide "Taiwan-tea Assortment and Grading system" (TAGs) to certify the products' quality.
Jury members from several sectors of society, including academics, producers, and officials, would rate each kind of tea according to taste and other elements, the AFA said.
Since the signing of an agreement with Japan in February, Taiwan has also concluded separate bilateral talks with Australia, New Zealand, the United States, and Canada with the aim of recognizing each other's standards for organic products.
An event in November at the Taipei Nangang Expo will give the public the opportunity to taste the best in Taiwanese organic tea, agricultural officials said Tuesday.