TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — A scuffle broke out on Thursday (Sept. 26) between Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and Kuomintang (KMT) city councilors in Kaohsiung when the former tried to hand a massive "resignation letter" to itinerant Kaohsiung mayor and KMT presidential candidate Han Kuo-yu (韓國瑜).
Following a report given by Han during a meeting of the Kaohsiung City Council on Thursday morning, the DPP caucus began questioning him. DPP Councilor Cheng Meng-ju (鄭孟洳) asked Han if he could guarantee that he would not take leave during a question-and-answer session slated for Nov. 12, reported the Liberty Times.
Han responded that there were no official plans at that time but that he could not promise he would be available. Cheng responded by saying "If you cannot guarantee it, sit down," according to the report.
DPP councilors scuffle with KMT councilors as they hold up "resignation letter." (CNA photo)
Han did not respond, but he did go ahead and sit down. DPP councilors then pulled out a huge mock resignation letter, which at the bottom read "Kaohsiung Mayor," and left a space for Han to sign his name.
When Cheng and the other DPP councilors tried to hand the placard to Han, KMT councilors quickly leaped up and blocked their path. The two sides began shouting at each other and a brawl soon broke out on the council floor.
Because their time for questioning was limited, the DPP caucus requested a pause to allow calmer heads to prevail. Kaohsiung City Council Deputy Speaker Lu Shu-mei (陸淑美) obliged by calling for a five-minute recess, reported the Liberty Times.
KMT councilors try to pull down "resignation letter" held by DPP councilors. (CNA photo)
Once the meeting restarted, DPP councilors asked for an additional five minutes to compensate for the time lost during the break. However, Lu rejected their request, leading to another round of scuffles.
After the skirmishes were over, DPP councilor Kao Min-lin (高閔琳) said in a statement that the KMT had obstructed and interfered with the DPP's attempt to question Han. During the altercation, Kao claimed that councilor Chen Mei-ya (陳美雅) had struck her and said, "We solemnly condemn mob violence, verbal violence, and physical violence!"