TAIPEI (Taiwan News) -- The fourth Czech musical group has been banned from performing in China, apparently in retribution for the Prague mayor's support of Taiwan.
Since becoming Mayor of Prague, Zdenek Hrib has been a thorn in the side of the authoritarian communist regime in China as he openly opposes the "one China" clause in the sister city agreement signed by Prague and Beijing, welcomes dissidents from Tibet, and has met with Taiwanese leaders, including President Tsai Ing-wen in March.
Czech media on Wednesday (Sept. 4) reported that the China tour for the ensemble Guarneri Trio Prague has been abruptly canceled by Beijing. As this is following the pattern of three previous musical acts being canceled in retribution for Hrib's pro-Taiwan stance, many believe this is a continuation of Beijing's "punishment" of the mayor.
The rejection of the China tour was confirmed by the ensemble's pianist Ivan Klansky, who is also the dean of the Music and Dance Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague (HAMU). "We learned from email correspondence with our agent who was preparing the tour for us. He wrote to us that, as we know, there is a problem with the name Prague in China and that the tour was therefore rejected," Klansky told Czech Television.
When Klansky was asked by Czech Television about China's move, the 71-year-old half-jokingly said that the three members were a bit old, and they had a similar experience during the Communist era in Czechoslovakia. "Fortunately, we don't have to go through that anymore," said Klansky.
In late April, Czech media reported that the Chinese government had unilaterally canceled the Prague Philharmonic Orchestra's September tour in China in retaliation for Hrib's support of Taiwan. In August, the Prazak Quartet and Prague Radio Symphony Orchestra were abruptly yanked from their tours of China by the Communist regime in Beijing.
The Guarneri Trio Prague was formed by Klansky and fellow members Cenek Pavlík and Marek Jerie in 1986. Over the past 33 years, the trio has received high praise from renowned music reviewers and has traveled around the globe to perform at international music festivals and major concert venues.