TAIPEI (Taiwan News) – Chicago-based newspaper The Daily Herald published an op-ed written by Taiwan’s Foreign Minister Joseph Wu (吳釗燮) on Thursday (Aug. 29) under the title “Building an Inclusive United Nations with Taiwan on Board.”
In the article, Wu echoed previous statements he has made in print and media interviews, observing that the United Nations’ continued exclusion of Taiwan undermines its own legitimacy and its efforts to achieve target Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In the letter, he called on the U.N. to “open its doors to Taiwan” and live up to its own professed values as delineated in the UN Charter.
Wu also quoted UN Secretary-General António Guterres, who as recently as July called on nations of the world to promote an “Inclusion Imperative” to foster fair and sustainable development throughout the world. Noting that Taiwan is a mature democracy and a major stakeholder in its region and the world, Wu questioned why the UN continually fails to live up to its standards and values that it implores people of the world to strive for.
Wu emphasized that Taiwan is “willing and ready to share its success story and contribute further to the collective effort to achieve the SDGs,” while noting the absurdity of Taiwan’s exclusion despite the quality of contributions it could offer to such a global effort. The foreign minister’s op-ed letter also leveled honest criticism at the UN for its unwillingness to address the undue influence that Beijing wields over the organization and its leadership.
“International organizations are created to meet the common objectives of its members, not to serve the interests of just one member. Article 100 of the UN Charter clearly states that ‘In the performance of their duties the Secretary-General and the staff shall not seek or receive instructions from any government or from any other authority external to the Organization.’ Regrettably, the UN sits idly by whenever China seeks to impose its so-called ‘one China principle’ on the UN system.”
Joseph Wu observed that the UN’s unwillingness to confront China’s “coercion” and “callousness” will continue to hinder the UN’s long-term goals. Such inaction will also damage public confidence in the mission of the international body.
A similar, yet more bluntly worded message from the foreign minister was published in a Danish paper earlier this week under the title “Taiwan is not and has never been a part of the People’s Republic of China. U.N. must learn to understand that.”His full op-ed published Aug. 29 in English can be read at the Daily Herald. An earlier, longer version of the letter was published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs last week (Aug. 22).