TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Nine Taiwanese artists have been entered into the Illustrator’s Exhibition competition of the 2019 Bologna Children’s Book Fair in Italy, a new record for Taiwan.
CNA reports a representative explained a total of 2901 artists from 62 different countries entered the initial stage this year, and after deliberations by a panel of judges hailing from Argentina, Poland, Italy, the Netherland and France, 76 individuals were selected to enter the final competition, nine of whom are from Taiwan.
The Taipei Book Fair Foundation said a number of the competitors are well-known illustrators, including Teng Yu (鄧彧) and Animo (阿尼默), whose works are regularly published in The Liberty Times Supplement. Mao Yu (貓魚), another participant, was commission to design the film poster for the 2013 movie Twelve Nights (十二夜).
Illustration by participant Ballboss (球老闆) (CNA image)
According to Bologna’s Visitor Bureau, the event has been held annually for over 50 years at the pavilions of the BolognaFiere. Professionals from all sectors of the publishing industry meet to obtain an overview of the latest publishing trends and attend a series of conferences and workshops.
The Illustrator’s Exhibition comprises just one element of an exhaustive program of events that includes multiple talks, exhibitions and international award ceremonies.
An organizer of the competition said selected works of each participant will be exhibited at the 2019 Bologna Children’s Book Fair between April 1 and 4. They will then be showcased across the globe as part of a two-year world tour.
Illustration by participant Chen Ying (陳盈) (CNA image)